Innovation - icing with no ice
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Innovation - icing with no ice

Incrediwear technology is unique and quite revolutionary when it comes to benefits it provides. One of the benefits - long term icing effect without causing vasoconstriction and tissue damage. All that’s needed are Circulation Hoof Socks or Exercise Bandages and - WATER! Simply hose the products down and leave on for 1 hour. How does it work?

Incrediwear technology is based on infrared waves causing cellular vibration through energy transfer to intracellular water, and this is the main factor that sets us apart. Embedded inside the fabric are semiconductors Carbon and Germanium which provide unique benefits:

When fabric is dry and in contact with the skin, these active elements release infrared waves that induce cellular vibration through energy transfer to intracellular water, sending mid-level and far infrared waves into the body and causing cellular vibrations. This is what increases blood flow and lymphatic drainage (!) and provides thermoregulation;
When water is added and the product is wet, infrared waves that induce cellular vibration through energy transfer to intracellular water are activated more intensely. As a result of this heat is being "kicked" out of the deep tissue providing an "icing" effect. Please note - heat is being accumulated on the surface of the fabric and this is why product feels warm and even hot by touch while deep tissue keeps cooling down; 

What's important and makes the biggest difference - blood flow is still stimulated at the same time, so this icing method doesn't cause tissue damage.

Regular icing with ice packs or wraps causes vasoconstriction, which slows down a blood speed and blood flow, not allowing oxygen, nutrients and microphage to come into the area and help with a recovery process. Incrediwear Equine cools down the tissue, but continues increasing blood flow and speed at the time, bringing oxygen and nutrients to the area. This is why Incrediwear Equine Hoof Socks and Exercise Bandages can be used for icing even for an hour and more.⁣⁣ This icing method is not only efficient, but super convenient as well, since it doesn't require an actual ice.

We recommend trying Incrediwear Equine icing on yourself first to test what the horse feels!

Incrediwear Equine icing test

Dip the Hoof Sock or Exercise Bandage in the hot water (yes, hot - you will be surprised by the effect!), rinse excess water and apply Hoof Sock or Bandage on your leg. Then - just wait for it! Try to keep the wet product on for at least 30 minutes. Please note: the more hot is the area, the more intense is the cooling effect. Icing effect on the horse will always be more intense due to higher body temperature.

Products that can be used for icing:
- Circulation Hoof Socks;
- Circulation Exercise Bandages;
- Incrediwear Human line.

*More detailed insight:
When infrared waves induce cellular vibration through energy transfer to intracellular water, they are activated by body heat and water, which acts as a transducer. This process creates transduction of mid-level infrared waves into the tissue, resulting in an endothermic response within the tissue. Consequently, the tissue cools down, and heat is drawn outside the tissue exothermically, accumulating on the surface of the fabric. This effect can be tested with an infrared camera.
